12-Step Blueprint to Turn Life into a Video Game
Photo by Michal Ilenda on Unsplash
Do you have fun playing video games? Do you want to make your life outside of video games fun too?
Before we get to the blueprint, keep in mind that there are INFINITE ways to apply this blueprint to your life.
You could apply it to your entire life. Or apply it to one habit or goal.
Use this blueprint to fit your needs. There are endless customization options here.
Without further ado, here's your 12-step blueprint to turn your life into a video game:
Step 1: Set a BIG goal
Your BIG goal is the main purpose of this game you're creating.
It's the final level you reach at the end of the game.
In other words, what do you want to achieve?
Step 2: Establish checkpoints
Checkpoints are the points between you and the final level.
Think of checkpoints as mini goals.
They are things you need to achieve in order to reach your goal.
Plan to have AT LEAST 3-5 checkpoints in your game.
Checkpoints break your game up into smaller chunks.
These chunks give you digestible goals to achieve, which push you towards your BIG goal.
The more checkpoints you have, the easier it'll be for you to progress towards your BIG goal.
Step 3: Daily quests
The daily quests are your daily habits.
These are the things you'll do every day to get you closer to the final level.
Daily quests are the things that are always on your to-do list.
Step 4: Side quests
Side quests are things you do that are beneficial but are unnecessary to reaching your final level.
Side quests can be used for character development. You can use them to experiment with new habits or methods. Or you can use them to learn new skills.
Don't get carried away with side quests.
Limit them to a handful along your journey.
Focus on progressing through each checkpoint towards the final level.
Step 5: Set up a rewards system
Rewards are motivating.
They keep you hooked on the game.
Rewards build adherence to your journey. You'll have a much easier time being consistent.
Each daily quest, checkpoint, etc. you complete results in a reward of some sort.
Make your rewards things that you want to have or go do.
Rewards can have a specific purpose, which we will talk about soon.
Or they can be simply for your enjoyment and amusement.
Your rewards should be proportional to the goal you achieve.
For instance, for completing your daily quests, give yourself a small reward such as 15 minutes of video game time.
With checkpoints, give yourself a bigger reward such as 1 hour of video games.
Determine what your rewards are going to be for each quest completion, checkpoint, and for your BIG goal.
Creating a rewards system is an art form.
It's a delicate balance between providing enough incentive and not becoming a distraction.
Step 6: XP
An XP is the experience point your character earns for progressing through the game.
You earn XP for EVERYTHING you do.
XP is the measurement you'll use to measure your progress between every quest and checkpoint you achieve.
The XP you earn is proportional to the goal you achieve, just like the rewards you earn.
For instance, if you earned 50 XP for completing a daily quest, you might earn 500 XP for reaching a checkpoint.
Your XP adds up. Use it to give yourself more rewards and upgrades.
Step 7: Equipment
Determine what equipment you'll need to reach your final level.
Ask yourself the following,
-What equipment do I need?
-Do I already own what I need?
-Do I need new equipment?
-When will I need to use each piece of equipment throughout my journey?
Step 8: Upgrades
Upgrades are part of your rewards and XP systems.
Upgrades are things that make your journey easier. Or they can be used to build your character.
You can upgrade equipment, environment, wardrobe, and more.
Include a few upgrades throughout your journey.
They are a great motivational tool. Use them.
Reaching a checkpoint is a perfect opportunity to make an upgrade!
Step 9: Health bar
Your health bar is your life in a video game. Once you run out of health, you die. The same concept applies here in a philosophical way.
In this case, when you run out of health, you have to go back to the drawing board.
For instance, start your health bar with 100 health. For each daily quest you don't complete, your health reduces by 10. For each time you fall back into a bad habit, your health reduces by 20.
Customize your health bar and damage point system to fit your needs.
You can add health on top of your starting health or regain reduced health back. Gain health for doing side quests, doing extra work on top of your daily quests, and so on.
Step 10: Player death
Once you run out of health, your character dies.
This means that you messed up and it's time to do something different.
You weren't able to adhere to your journey. It happens. We all fall off our journey sometimes.
What matters is how you respond to this. Do you get back up and try again? Or do you fall further and further off of the right path?
The choice is yours.
Step 11: Respawn
Your player died.
Now what happens?
You respawn back into the game.
Respawns can happen in 1 of 4 ways:
1. You respawn back to the same (or slightly behind) point you died at.
2. You respawn back at the beginning of the level.
3. You respawn at the beginning of the game.
4. You respawn into a new, easier version of the level or game.
Each respawn option has pros and cons.
Most of the time, options 1 and 2 are the best for most situations.
Don't take extreme options unless you NEED to go nuclear.
Steps 10 and 11 hopefully won't be a necessary part of your game. But if they are, then you know what your next steps are.
Respawning is your tool for getting back on track.
Step 12: Game over
You've reached the final level. Congrats!
What's next?
You could set a new BIG goal and "play" a new game.
You could continue playing this game even though you've beaten it.
Or you can add more parts of your life to this game as an expansion pack.
The video game lifestyle
Video games are fun and addicting.
You can use their blueprint to make your life fun and addicting too.
Once you start gamifying your life, your daily habits become easy. And it will be easy to progress towards your goals. Use this blueprint to your advantage.
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